NYSVR434 Rewind


Orange points represent those with more than 868 miles (1 lap) completed

Leader Board

Place Bib Name From Group Miles Time Pace
15Martin, AngelicaNiagara Falls, NYF 40-440.000:00:00
26Mulholland, RachelHolland, NYF 45-490.000:00:00
31Giardini, RobertOrchard Park, NYM 70-740.000:00:00
47Franke, MelissaNiagara Falls, NYF 45-490.000:00:00
54Hinchman, CaroleCarolina Shores, NCF 75-790.000:00:00

Mileage Segments

Bib Name Date Miles Time type

Please report mileage issues to nysvr434@score-this.com